LITTLE ROCK — At a Thursday evening Washington County Quorum Court meeting the county passed a resolution commending Dr. Robert Karas for his exceptional service. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas recently filed a federal lawsuit against the Washington County Sheriff's Office and Dr. Robert Karas on behalf of incarcerated individuals that were given Ivermectin without consent while at the Washington County Detention Center. Gary Sullivan, ACLU of Arkansas legal director issued the following statement regarding the resolution:
“It is alarming that the Washington County Quorum court would commend behavior that has violated the rights of individuals and put their long-term health and well-being at extreme risk. “Our evidence shows Dr. Karas not only administered Ivermectin to incarcerated individuals without prior informed consent as to the nature, contents, or potential side effects of the drug, but the Federal Food and Drug Administration has said that misuse of Ivermectin for COVID-19 can cause serious harm including seizures, comas, and even death. No one - including incarcerated individuals - should be deceived and subject to medical experimentation.”