Contact: Elsa Rainey, [email protected], 573-808-4417

LITTLE ROCK – The following statement was issued by American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Holly Dickson in response to reporting of a leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and the implications it will have in the state:

“Attacks on reproductive freedom target people and families who are already some of our most vulnerable Arkansans. If the Supreme Court issues a majority opinion that follows the leaked draft it would deprive half the nation of a fundamental, constitutional right. People in Arkansas already are facing challenges to reproductive freedom that disproportionately push care out of reach for people of color, immigrants, people who live in rural areas, and people with low incomes. Abortion is legal in Arkansas – just as it is in all 50 states – and we will continue to fight to keep it that way.” 
